Federal Relations
MSU’s Washington, D.C. office represents the priorities of the university in the nation’s capital. The Government Relations team works with federal policy makers by leveraging the expert resources on campus to impact federal legislation, regulations, and policies that could affect MSU. Our presence in Washington also elevates the visibility of MSU’s global presence in research and program initiatives to federal policy makers.
Sarah Walter
Associate Vice President – Washington, D.C., Office
Assistant: Janine Bellamy (202) 434-8001
Walter leads the MSU Washington D.C. office, representing the university before Congress and the Executive Branch. Her role also involves working on collaborative initiatives related to higher education federal issues with other leading universities and policy stakeholders. More

Jacob Courville
Director for Federal Relations – Washington, D.C., Office
Assistant: Janine Bellamy (202) 434-8001
Courville is responsible for covering a number of issues that affect the university, including biomedical research, education, agriculture, energy, environment, and tax issues. More
Current issues that impact the university in Washington range from agriculture research, funding for the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB), and graduate medical education to visa policies for international students and faculty.
Agriculture and Natural Sciences
As the foundation of the Pioneer Land Grant University established in 1855, the MSU College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, which includes the MSU Extension system and the cross-college AgBioResearch enterprise, is a world leader in agricultural and environmental research and academic instruction. Learn More
Flint Water Crisis
MSU has been in the Flint community for over 100 years. In the midst of the Flint water crisis, this commitment was crucial as MSU leaders in the Colleges of Human Medicine, Nursing, Education, Communications, Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Extension, and other academic units worked to support the immediate and long-term impacts of the lead in water crisis. Learn More
MSU is working to rapidly respond to the crisis and ensure the Spartan community can continue to receive world-class education, conduct cutting-edge research and contribute to the common good. MSU coordinates closely with member of Congress, federal agencies and other institutions of higher education to ensure vital federal-level COVID-19 relief funding and policy solutions. Learn More